Thursday, April 10, 2014

What Does It Mean To Be...

Good morning period 1 Religion! 
Before we look further into what it means to be a Catholic let's take a minute to look at some other world religions and see how they compare to Catholicism. 

Your task is to choose one of the following religions:
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Aboriginal Spirituality, or Judaism

When you know which one you'd like I want you to tweet me one fact about this religion. There can be no more than 3 people doing each religion so the first three to tweet me their fact will get to continue working with that religion.

Next you're going to create a storify. What's a storify? It's like an online story that you make from sources on the web. Your storify will revolve around the religion you have chosen.

Your storify should include: - At least 2 scholarly sources explaining the religion you chose
- 3 Youtube videos explaining or demonstrating sacraments/rites of passage/rituals in your religion
- 1 song/hymn/music used in, alongside or about their religious rituals (this may also be a youtube video)
- At least 1 photo of of the place of worship this religion utilizes and 5 photos depicting different aspects of the religion. For each of the above mentioned sources give a 2-3 sentence summary of what the source is.
- 2 positive tweets from reputable sources (a verified account) about the religion
- 2 motivational quotes about the religion and their beliefs

  • Make a blog post titled "A Beginner's Guide To (Your chosen religion)"
  • Go to and create an account 
  • Create a storify about your religion
  • Post your storify on your blog

Check out my storify:

Continuing the Faith Journey

Good Morning grade 10s! 
Continue working on your faith map journey, here's what I've been working on to give you an idea of how to use categories and different life events you might want to include:!date=2009-03-22_09:07:10!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mapping My Faith Journey

Hey Grade 10s, welcome to Day 2 of our online learning! We're going to continue to look at what it means to be a Catholic by looking back on our own lives and the experiences we've been through.

Still haven't finished everything from yesterday? FINISH THAT FIRST.
On your blog you should have:
- a tagxedo
- a text post about God's presence in your life

Once you've completed yesterday's tasks your next task is to create a map of your faith journey.
You'll use the site, create a free account (there's no course code) and create your timeline! When you're done, post a link to your blog.

My Faith Journey Assignment
  • Make a timeline of your life this far including your accomplishments, moments of joy, moments of suffering, and any other significant life events 
  • Categorize your timeline into high and low points, sacraments, family moments, accomplishments, etc. 
  • Comment on your understanding of God's presence during these moments in your life using symbols and/or text 

How To Use Tiki Toki For This Project 
"Create New Story" will add events to your timeline. These stories will have a title and description of what was going on at this time. You should also be sure to note the presence of God (or feeling the lack of) in your stories.
"Categories" this site allows you to categorize your stories. You can use these to help organize your timeline into high and low points, sacraments, family moments, accomplishments, etc.

Here's a basic tutorial to get you started on how to use tiki-toki: 

Don't forget to post the link to your finished timeline on your blog. Have any questions? Tweet me!

Creating a Character

Hey there Mr. Dunlop's grade 9 drama class! Today we're going to have our class online and we're going to look at how to create characters on the page. We're going to work mentally and digitally at creating a character by filling out facts and giving your character a social media presence.

I want you to go to and choose one person to use as the inspiration for your character. These are real people living in New York, each picture comes with a quote that can help guide you in your characterization. 

You have the period to create a social media profile (facebook, twitter, blog, etc.) of a character of your creation inspired by HONY; be creative! Try to include as many details as you can, you can use this sheet as an idea of different elements you should consider. Be sure to write somewhere on your profile that this profile is not a real representation of the person photographed and was completed as part of a drama class project.

Use the following resources to help guide you and give you some further insight into creating a character: 

Creating a Character 
Acting teacher Howard Fine talks about how actors overcome self-conciousness and create characters. Learn the acting techniques that will help you dig beneath the surface of a script and bring a character to full -blooded life on the stage or the screen. 

Acting 101: Creating a Character 
Building a character not only involves familiarizing yourself with the basic traits, but also analyzing ever aspect of the character's behaviour. Flesh out a character through acting with advice from an experienced stage and screen performer in this free video on acting

Creating a History for Your Character 
 Acting teacher Adam Hill starts each of his NYC acting classes with a lecture on a specific and narrow acting topic. In this video, Adam discusses how creating a relevant back story for your character helps you live spontaneously as your character in performance.

Monday, April 7, 2014

What Does It Mean To Be Catholic?

Welcome Mr. Dunlop's grade 10 Religion courses! As you know, for the next week we'll be in the library where we'll be engaging in some online (as well as active!) learning. So, let's get started.

Create a Blog During the course of this week you'll be given assignments to be completed online and posted to the blog you'll create for this course. You should use this site ( and use your board e-mail to create an account. You can name and design your blog however you'd like but please include your name somewhere! I would also love it if you completed the About Me page so I can know a little bit more about you. When you have created an account tweet me a link to your new blog @MsLaurenCarey. Don't have twitter? Make one! If you can't, e-mail me at

Make a Tagxedo
The first question I want you to think about is what being a catholic means to you. Take a minute and brainstorm a bunch of words and sentences that you relate to Catholicism and being Catholic. I want to know what
you think it means to be a Catholic, not what google and the people of the internet think, avoid googling for this one. Go to and create a shaped word cloud using the words you've come up with. Once on tagxedo click Create, then Load and Enter Text, don't forget to change the shape of your word cloud under options! Save your tagxedo as a 500jpg (first row) and the post it on your blog. Change the colours and font, make it look nice and post it to your blog with the title “What I think It Means To Be A Catholic” as your first post!

Make Your First Text Post Once you've finished your wordle, it's time to create your first text post. For this post I want you to think about times in your life you have felt God’s presence. Choose one time that you have strongly felt God’s presence in your life. Choose another time when you felt that God was not present. Once you have chosen these two moments in your life find an image, song, or video that symbolizes how you felt during each of these moments. Include the image/video/song to your post and write a paragraph about why you chose this image/video/song to represent your moment with or without God. Title this post “God’s Presence In My Life”. You don’t have to explain what was going on in the situations if you’re not comfortable, simply relay the feelings and emotions connected the experience and how close you felt to God at the time.

Your post might look something like this:

Post Title: God’s Presence in My Life
A time I felt God’s presence…
Why I chose this image/video/song blah blah blah, at this time in my life I felt loved and cared for, blah blah blah

A time I felt that God was not present….
Why I chose this image/video/song blah blah blah, at this time in my life I felt alone and sad, blah blah blah
If you have any questions you can tweet them to me, or simply get my attention (aka raise your hand).
Happy Blogging!
Ms. Carey


Your blog posts will be graded for participation and to check-in on your learning process. Don't freak out, each post will only be marked out of 3 and I'll be looking for the following:
Content (1 marks)
Did you post what was asked? Was your content thoughtful and insightful?
Organization (1 mark) Is your post easily legible? Does everything appear as it should (pictures, videos, etc.)?
Connections to Curriculum (1 mark) Are you making connections to previous learning? Do you mention what learning came from the post/activity?